Wimpassing an der Leitha Business directory

> Austria > Burgenland > Eisenstadt-Umgebung > Wimpassing an der Leitha

Wimpassing an der Leitha entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here with contact, opening hours and reviews of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Wimpassing an der Leitha entries

There were 37 entries found

Rosewholesale.com INT

Hauptstr. 33
2485, Wimpassing An Der Leitha


Hauptstr 33
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 73500
 43 (2623) 73480

Eicheng 16
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 72528
 43 (2623) 74824

Eisenstädter Str 35
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 72584

Gamiss.com INT

Eicheng 16
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 74824
 43 (2623) 74824

Ziegelofeng 17
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (676) 3457475

Wieseng 13
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 75901
 43 (2623) 75904

Hauptstr 33
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 73500...-0
 43 (2623) 73480

Kreuzäckerweg 34
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 02623 75155

Birkeng 12
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 73983
 43 (2623) 73983

Unterberg 19
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2255) 7661
 (02255) 7661-17

Ziegelofeng 27
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 72586
 43 (2623) 72586-5

Eisenstädter Str 29/1
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (664) 9140694
 43 (2623) 73236

Zum Alten Ziegelofen 82
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (676) 7263113

Ziegelofeng 11
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 02623 74418

Hauptstr. 33
2485, Wimpassing

 43.(2623) 735 00
 43.(2623) 734 80

Ziegelofeng 27
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 02623 72586

Ulmenweg 4
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (1) 5962738
 43 (1) 5962738-24

Kircheng 17
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 72754...-0
 43 (2623) 72754-64

Hauptstr 70
2485, Wimpassing an der Leitha

 43 (2623) 73122
 43 (2623) 74076

1 2 >>

Cities & surrounding

Wimpassing an der Leitha branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Wimpassing an der Leitha in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 17 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Wimpassing an der Leitha March 2025Diagram Wimpassing an der LeithaDiagram Wimpassing an der Leitha March 2025UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Wimpassing an der Leitha with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Wimpassing an der Leitha 2025Statistics Wimpassing an der LeithaStatistics Wimpassing an der Leitha 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Wimpassing an der Leitha