Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung Business directory Page 122
> Austria > Salzburg > Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung
Business entries of Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung are gathered here with informations of contact, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or organization on this page.
Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung entries
There were 9915 entries found
Passauer Passauer Straße 11
5163, Mattsee
06217 54 98 | |
54 98 |
Watzmannstr 9A
5110, Oberndorf bei Salzburg
43 (6272) 73073 | |
43 (6272) 73073 |
Pfongau 163
5202, Neumarkt Am Wallersee
43-(6216)-456-70 | |
43-(6216)-78-02 |
Quellenweg 1
5300, Hallwang
43 (662) 665240 | |
43 (662) 665240 |
Zollstr 75
5071, Wals-Siezenheim
43 (662) 850135 | |
43 (662) 850135-33 |
Ignaz Glaser-Str 49
5111, Bürmoos
+43(6274)4011...-0 | |
+43(6274)7293 |
Cities & surrounding
Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Wals-Siezenheim
- Seekirchen am Wallersee
- Straßwalchen
- Grödig
- Eugendorf
- Neumarkt am Wallersee
- Oberndorf bei Salzburg
- Thalgau
- Elsbethen
- Bergheim
- Henndorf am Wallersee
- Bürmoos
- Obertrum am See
- Anif
- Hallwang
- St. Gilgen
- Strobl
- Hof bei Salzburg
- Lamprechtshausen
- Anthering
- Koppl
- Mattsee
- Faistenau
- Elixhausen
- Sankt Georgen bei Salzburg
- Köstendorf
- Großgmain
- Nußdorf am Haunsberg
- Seeham
- Berndorf bei Salzburg
- Fuschl am See
- Dorfbeuern
- Ebenau
- Plainfeld
- Schleedorf
- Hintersee
- Göming
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Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung in this month. This month 11 companies were registered, 12 were updated and 9 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung |
Latitude: | 47.8401900 |
Longitude: | 13.1879900 |
Population: | 144288 |