Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen Business directory Page 84

> Austria > Lower Austria > Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen

Business entries of Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen are gathered here containing informations of address, operation hours and ratings of users. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen entries

There were 3725 entries found

Gamiss.com INT

Nr 97
2651, Reichenau an der Rax


Fraueng 1
2630, Ternitz


Bachweg 4
2842, Thomasberg


Franz Dinhobl-Str 1a
2630, Ternitz


Rosewholesale.com INT

Friedbach 147
2842, Edlitz

 43.(2644) 730 80

Franz-Dinhobl-Str 17
2630, Ternitz


Wiener Strasse 23
2620, Neunkirchen

 02635.624 82
 02635.627 24

Wiener Str 45
2640, Gloggnitz


Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi-Gasse 4
2650, Payerbach


Opferg 6
2630, Ternitz


Wiener Str 5
2640, Gloggnitz

 43 (2662) 42415

Harterstraße (Enzenreith) 21
2640, Gloggnitz


Wiener Str 125
2640, Gloggnitz


Nr 108
2651, Reichenau an der Rax


Ernst-Gruber-Str 28-30
2632, Grafenbach-St. Valentin

 43 (2630) 37103
 43 (2630) 37103-3

Fabriksstrasse 595
2823, Pitten

 02627.822 27
 02627.822 27-4

Nr 3
2620, Wartmannstetten


Buchbach 24
2630, Ternitz


Weidenweg 21
2680, Semmering


Schulstr 37
2632, Grafenbach-St. Valentin

 43 (2630) 37109
 43 (2630) 37109

<< 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 >>

Cities & surrounding

Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen in this month. This month 78 companies were registered, 41 were updated and 88 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen February 2025Diagram Politischer Bezirk NeunkirchenDiagram Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen February 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen 2025Statistics Politischer Bezirk NeunkirchenStatistics Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen 202501428425670January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Politischer Bezirk Neunkirchen