Politischer Bezirk Krems Business directory Page 89
> Austria > Lower Austria > Politischer Bezirk Krems
Business entries of Politischer Bezirk Krems are listed here containing address, opening hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own business entry or association on this page.
Politischer Bezirk Krems entries
There were 2003 entries found
Schillerstr 10
3550, Langenlois
+43(2734)3630 | |
+43(2734)3630 |
Ladings 12
3522, Lichtenau
+43(676)5355646 | |
+43(2718)4454 |
Weißenkirchen in der Wachau 5
3610, Weißenkirchen in der Wachau
02715-2540 | |
02715-2540-4 |
Lerchengasse 3
3495, Rohrendorf bei Krems
0676-3389600 |
Cities & surrounding
Politischer Bezirk Krems branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Langenlois
- Gföhl
- Mautern an der Donau
- Grafenegg
- Furth bei Göttweig
- Paudorf
- Gedersdorf
- Lichtenau im Waldviertel
- Hadersdorf-Kammern
- Senftenberg
- Schönberg am Kamp
- Spitz
- Straß im Straßertale
- Lengenfeld
- Mühldorf
- Weißenkirchen in der Wachau
- Rastenfeld
- Weinzierl am Walde
- Bergern im Dunkelsteinerwald
- St. Leonhard am Hornerwald
- Rossatz-Arnsdorf
- Jaidhof
- Albrechtsberg an der Großen Krems
- Maria Laach am Jauerling
- Dürnstein
- Droß
- Stratzing
- Krumau am Kamp
- Rohrendorf bei Krems
- Aggsbach
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Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Politischer Bezirk Krems in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Politischer Bezirk Krems with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | Politischer Bezirk Krems |
Latitude: | 48.4658200 |
Longitude: | 15.5209300 |
Population: | 55973 |