Politischer Bezirk Amstetten Business directory Page 189

> Austria > Lower Austria > Politischer Bezirk Amstetten

Politischer Bezirk Amstetten entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing contact-data, opening hours and reviews of users. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Politischer Bezirk Amstetten entries

There were 4206 entries found

Gamiss.com INT

Seitenstetten Dorf 324
3353, Seitenstetten


Bahnhofstr 16
3353, Seitenstetten

 43 (7477) 42660...-0
 43 (7477) 42660-14

Marktpl 1
3325, Ferschnitz

 43 (7472) 609-745

Burgfriedstr 16
3300, Amstetten


Nr 2
3364, Neuhofen an der Ybbs


Hauptpl 45
3300, Amstetten


Nr 9
3314, Strengberg

 +43 5 0100-20149
 +43 5 01009-20149

Agathastr 1
3300, Amstetten


Graben 7
3300, Amstetten

 43 (7472) 62489-64204
 43 (7472) 62489-20

Gunnersdorfer Str 26
3363, Neufurth

 07475 52355

Waidhofner Str 2-4
3300, Amstetten


Hauptstr 15
3363, Hausmening

 43 (7475) 52633...-0

Eggersdorfer Str 51
3300, Amstetten


Dr.-Theodor-Körner-Hof 12
3333, Böhlerwerk


Nr 54
3353, Biberbach


Wepperg 3
3363, Hausmening

 43 (7475) 52646...-0
 43 (7475) 52646-4

Waidhofner Str. 102
3300, Amstetten

 43. (7472) 21 00

Ardaggerstr 55
3300, Amstetten

 43 (7472) 25125
 43 (7472) 25125-20

Wüstenrotpl 4
3300, Amstetten


Langenharter Strasse 1
4300, St. Valentin

 07435.531 58
 07435.540 67

Cities & surrounding

Politischer Bezirk Amstetten branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Politischer Bezirk Amstetten in this month. This month 3 companies were registered, 19 were updated and 5 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Politischer Bezirk Amstetten March 2025Diagram Politischer Bezirk AmstettenDiagram Politischer Bezirk Amstetten March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Politischer Bezirk Amstetten with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Politischer Bezirk Amstetten 2025Statistics Politischer Bezirk AmstettenStatistics Politischer Bezirk Amstetten 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Politischer Bezirk Amstetten