Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial Business directory Page 45

> Business Directory > Mechanical Engineering and Industry > Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial

Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here with informations of contact-address, hours and ratings of users. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial entries

There were 2049 entries found

Gamiss.com INT

Habichen 1a
6433, Oetz

 05252.66 80
 05252.66 80-4

Ebersdorf 86
8273, Ebersdorf

 03333.23 09
 03333.23 09-4

Linke Bahnzeile 21
2483, Ebreichsdorf

 02254.720 00
 02254.720 00-11

Hintergasse 33
7571, Rudersdorf

 03382.714 41
 03382.714 41-4

Haager Strasse 64-68
4400, Steyr

 07252.777 61-0
 07252.777 61-15

Große Sperlgasse 32-34/13
1020, Wien

 01.219 83 23
 01.219 83 23

Kurhausstrasse 3
4820, Bad Ischl

 06132.235 18-0
 06132.235 18-13

Angergasse 4
7142, Illmitz

 02175.22 53
 02175.32 91

Neue Heimat 31
5620, Schwarzach

 06415.74 45
 06415.74 45-14

Schloissniggstrasse 35
2435, Ebergassing

 0664.440 23 23
 01.863 33 -72

Wieselburger Strasse 26
3264, Gresten

 07487.23 60
 07487.23 60-4

Gobernitz 14
8720, Knittelfeld

 03512.822 88
 03512.822 88-4

Packer Strasse 59
8583, Edelschrott


Grazer Strasse 29-31
8932, Weiكenbach/Enns


Kaltenbrunnenstrasse 17
6923, Lauterach

 05574.723 40-0
 05574.723 40-9

Pettendorf 20
3334, Gaflenz


Oberlangenberg 5
5423, St. Koloman


Birkengasse 4
7023, Stِttera

 02626.50 00
 02626.50 01

Doblergasse 31
4880, St. Georgen

 07667.62 97
 07667.62 97-14

Hernalser Hauptstrasse 42
1170, Wien

 01.407 71 50
 02956.34 25

<< 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 >>

Cities & surrounding

Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial in this month. This month 14 companies were registered, 23 were updated and 75 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial February 2025Diagram Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrialDiagram Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial February 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial 2025Statistics Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrialStatistics Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics