Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial Business directory Page 3

> Business Directory > Mechanical Engineering and Industry > Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial

Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here with informations of contact-address, hours and ratings of users. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial entries

There were 2049 entries found

Moßbachergasse 18
1140, Wien

 01.914 28 30-0
 01.914 28 30-35

Wulfeniastrasse 7
9371, Brückl

 04214.23 01
 04214.23 01-4

Georg-Sigl-Gasse 8
1090, Wien

 01.319 45 70
 01.319 45 70

Hofstadtgegend 38
3213, Frankenfels


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Hartgewerbestr. 16
3300, Amstetten


Gaißau 129
5421, Krispl


Eichengasse 16
2485, Wimposting

 02623.748 24
 02623.748 24

Schloßbergstrasse 5
4540, Bad Hall

 07258.60 94
 07258.60 94

St. Marienkirchen/Hausruck 16
4922, Geiersberg

 07753.31 41
 07753.35 67-1

Erzherzog-Karl-Strasse 134
1220, Wien

 01.282 31 64
 01.282 67 48

Marktstrasse 12
8522, Groك St. Florian

 03464.22 55
 03464.22 55-4

Hauptstrasse 30
7212, Forchtenstein

 02626.631 59
 02626.653 50

Angererweg 7
4224, Wartberg ob der Aist

 07236.209 00
 07236.209 00-19

Loosdorfer Strasse 30
3243, St. Leonhard

 02756.84 66
 02756.84 66-13

Brunner Str. 69
1235, Wien


Strassenhäuser 65
6842, Koblach

 05523.517 76
 05523.517 76-2

Friedburg 63
5211, Friedburg

 07746.34 00
 07746.28 24-0

Wassergasse 6
1030, Wien

 01.715 78 28
 01.715 52 62

Schnelldorf 50
4975, Suben

 07711.31 53 0
 07711.31 53 0-14

Hans-Steininger-Gasse 9
5280, Braunau

 07722.877 04
 07722.877 04-8

<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>

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Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial branches and surrounding

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Economic activity April 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 2 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial April 2025Diagram Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrialDiagram Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial April 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial 2025Statistics Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrialStatistics Ovens, kilns, furnaces and hearths, industrial 2025020406080100March 2025February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics