Health Centres Business directory Page 197

> Business Directory > Health > Health Centres

Business entries of Health Centres are gathered here containing informations of address, hours and reviews of users. You can add your own company entry or association on this page.

Health Centres entries

There were 5838 entries found

War Thunder INT

Gِllstr 7
5082, Grِdig


Rosa-Jochmann-Ring 5-Stiege-->Stiege: 13--Tür-->--plz ort-->
1110, Wien


Gablenzg 7
1150, Wien


Rechte Wienzeile 19
1040, Wien

 43 (1) 5872189

Aliexpress INT

Welser Str 42
4060, Leonding


Steyrer G 30
8010, Graz


Franz-Josef-Kai 30
5020, Salzburg

 43 (650) 2201106

Sabidussigasse 10
9020, Klagenfurt


Nr 46a
8093, Entschendorf


Stubenring 6
1010, Wien


Imbergstr 23a
5020, Salzburg

 43 (662) 872141
 43 (662) 887979

Inffeldg 12
8010, Graz

 43 (316) 873-7459
 43 (316) 463697

Stattegger Str 131a
8045, Graz


Attemsg 25
8010, Graz


Universitätsstr 15/C4
8010, Graz

 43 (316) 380-3332
 43 (316) 380-9430

Petersg 12/II
8010, Graz


Dr.-Lorenz-Bِhler-G 1
3430, Tulln an der Donau


Beethovenstr 19
8010, Graz

 43 (316) 380-5721
 43 (316) 380-9010

Jakob-Lechnerweg 442
5071, Wals bei Salzburg


Wiedner Gürtel 58
1040, Wien

 +43(1)5240215 INT

Cities & surrounding

Health Centres branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Health Centres in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 2 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Health Centres March 2025Diagram Health CentresDiagram Health Centres March 2025New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Health Centres with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Health Centres 2025Statistics Health CentresStatistics Health Centres 202501428425670February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics