Design and Research Offices Business directory Page 120

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Business entries of Design and Research Offices are listed here containing informations of contact, hours and reviews. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Design and Research Offices entries

There were 4048 entries found

Aliexpress INT

Emil-Von-Behring-Str. 30
9500, Villach

 43. (4242) 410 21
 43. (4242) 410 21 93

Steyrer Str. 29
4522, Sierning


Suedstr. 4 Obj 8 Ind. Zentr. Nِ
2355, Wiener Neudorf

 43.(2236) 63 87 00
 43.(2236) 636 62

Sechshauser Gürtel 1
1150, Wien

 43.(1) 89 12 80
 43.(1) 893 68 69 INT

Stadtplatz 39
5230, Mattighofen

 43. (7742) 280 10
 43. (7742) 28 01 22

Schattau 64
5442, Ruكbach Am Paك Gschütt

 43.(6242) 54 00
 43.(6242) 540 14

Leharg. 6-8
7400, Oberwart

 43.(3352) 324 65
 43.(3352) 324 65 39

Türkenstr. 9
1092, Wien

 43. (1) 316 31
 43. (1) 31 63 11 05

Stattegger Str. 80
8045, Graz

 43.(316) 690 10
 43.(316) 690 11 15

Eduard-Klinger-Str. 21
3423, St. Andra-Wordern


Florianigasse 4
3500, Krems An Der Donau

 43.(2732) 842 67
 43.(2732) 842 67 19

Hans-List-Platz 1
8020, Graz


Dr.-Karl-Renner-Str 6
8790, Eisenerz


Schillingstr 3
1220, Wien

 43 (1) 2907783

Hِllriglstr 10
3350, Haag, Nِ

 43 (7434) 42388

Siriusstr. 32
9020, Klagenfurt

 43. (463) 35 19 70
 43. (463) 351 97 15

Schoellerstraße 3
2620, Neunkirchen, Niederösterreich


Draubodenweg 29
9500, Villach

 43.(4242) 204 00
 43.(4242) 204 21

Konigsbrunner Str. 8
2202, Enzersfeld


Schweiber 9
5222, Jنging

 43.(7744) 62 43
 43.(7744) 624 39

Cities & surrounding

Design and Research Offices branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Design and Research Offices in this month. This month 3 companies were registered, 9 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Design and Research Offices March 2025Diagram Design and Research OfficesDiagram Design and Research Offices March 2025UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Design and Research Offices with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Design and Research Offices 2025Statistics Design and Research OfficesStatistics Design and Research Offices 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics