Burgenland Business directory Page 445

> Austria > Burgenland

Burgenland entries of companies, administrations and associations are listed here containing contact, opening hours and reviews. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Burgenland entries

There were 161609 entries found

Rosewholesale.com INT

Manker Str 1
3243, St. Leonhard a Forst


Dorfg 11
2822, Erlach an der Pitten

 43 (2627) 48219
 43 (2627) 48110

Pobersacher Str 226
9710, Feistritz an der Drau

 43 (4245) 2552...-0
 43 (4245) 2552-22

Hauptstr 53
8582, Rosental a d Kainach


Gamiss.com INT

Pfarrg 33
7000, Eisenstadt


Attergaustr 53
4880, St. Georgen im Attergau

 43 (7667) 20999

Nr 127
8225, Obersaifen


Bahnhofstr 26
4560, Kirchdorf a d Krems


Birkenweg 1
9062, Moosburg in Kärnten


Nr 19
5163, Eidenham


Liechtensteinklammstr 19
5600, St. Johann im Pongau

 43 (664) 3416573
 43 (6412) 59862

Nr 7
8511, Grubberg


Sportplatzg 10
2491, Neufeld an der Leitha

 43 (2624) 52127
 43 (2624) 52127

Ferdinand Huber-Sdlg 14
4710, St. Georgen


Braungasse 18 Hirm AT

 43 2687 47635
 43 2687 476354

Ulrichstr 18
4400, St. Ulrich bei Steyr


Marktpl 11
4261, Rainbach i Mühlkreis

 +43 5 0100-40161

Strasse III 8
7201, Neudِrfl


Kastellstr 46
7551, Stegersbach


Hِrmg 42
2512, Schafflerhof-Sdlg


Cities & surrounding

Burgenland branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Burgenland in this month. This month 27 companies were registered, 8 were updated and 61 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Burgenland February 2025Diagram BurgenlandDiagram Burgenland February 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Burgenland with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Burgenland 2025Statistics BurgenlandStatistics Burgenland 20250153045607590January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Burgenland