Bitumens Business directory
> Business Directory > Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals > Chemicals - Basic Products and Derivatives > Bitumens
Bitumens entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with address, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own business entry or organization here.
Bitumens entries
There were 43 entries found
Grünsbach 334
6232, Münster
05337.83 82 | |
05337.87 44 |
Industriestrasse 15
8502, Lannach
03136.824 04-0 | |
03136.824 04-16 |
Wegscheider Strasse 80
4060, Leonding
0732.38 38 02 | |
0732.38 38 02-31 |
Cities & surrounding
Bitumens branches and surrounding
- Austria
- Abrasives, chemical
- Additives, dyes and pigments - industrial
- Alcohols, phenols and derivatives
- Aldehydes and derivatives
- Anhydrides
- Anti-corrosion coatings
- Anti-hail rockets
- Anti-parasitic products
- Applicators for adhesives and glues
- Avalanche-control charges
- Bakelite
- Blow moulding of rubber and plastic
- Building glues
- Butane
- Candles
- Carbon by-products
- Carboxylic and anhydric acids
- Chemical binders
- Chemical catalysts
- Chemicals - import-export
- Culture media
- Cyclic and acyclic compounds
- Detergents and soaps - professional
- Detergents, household
- Diagnosis reagents
- Disinfectants, non-medical
- Drying agents for inks
- Drying agents for paints and varnishes
- Dyes and pigments, industrial - nonfood
- Dynamite
- Ecological housekeeping products
- Emulsion paints
- Enamels
- Epoxy resin
- Extracts for pharmaceutical preparations
- Extrusion of rubber and plastic
- Fats, nonfood
- Felt-tip pens
- Filtration, chemical
- Flares, emergency
- Folding, bending and welding of rubber and plastic
- Fountain pens
- Gas cooling agents
- Gas mixtures
- Gas, compressed
- Gases, medical
- Glass and mirrors - cleaning products
- Glues, natural
- Glues, synthetic
- Greases, crude
- Greases, industrial
- Gunpowder
- Hydrocarbons and derivatives
- Industrial fatty alcohols
- Injection moulding of rubber and plastic
- Ink for stamps
- Ink, printing
- Ink, writing
- Inorganic bases and compounds
- Insecticides
- Laundry detergents for household use
- Liquid gas
- Lubricants for cars
- Lubricants, graphite
- Metalloids and compounds
- Milling and turning of rubber and plastic
- Mineral oxides and peroxides
- Natural dyes, nonfood
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Economic activity February 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Bitumens in this month. This month 20 companies were registered, 25 were updated and 35 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Bitumens with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.